Because no matter what you’re offering, loyal followers are your best customers.

“My people are my people. They love me and I love them. I would not be here without them.”

Steven Seagal

Do you want to start a business? Work for yourself? Write stuff people will actually read?

Most of us do.

Do you know how to succeed online? Are you waiting for a post or video you created to go viral? Then your business will soar. Right?

Sure. It can work that way. But you don’t need to go viral to succeed. You don’t need a million fans. You need loyal, repeat customers.

There’s probably an audience for your stuff, people who want what you create. You just have to find them.

Wired founder Kevin Kelly famously wrote in his 2008 essay 1000 True Fans that “to make a living as a craftsperson, photographer, musician, designer, author, animator, app maker, entrepreneur, or inventor you need only thousands of true fans,” not millions.

Although his ideas remain somewhat controversial, Kelly gave creators permission to succeed in online business without going viral. And many have.

Whether or not you agree with Kelly about the numbers needed to succeed, one thing is certain. You can’t sell anything if you don’t have customers. And you can’t build an online income without a following.

But how do you build a loyal following? You strategically increase your online engagement. The key word there is “strategically.”

It’s not enough to be online. It’s not enough to put stuff out there. You have to put the right stuff where it’s most likely to get attention from your target audience. Then you can build your following.

Here are ten simple ways to increase your online engagement and build your fan base. And the best part is that you don’t have to do all of them before launching your enterprise. Just start with a couple and build from there.

Start With Great Content

“Content is anything that adds value to the reader’s life.”

Avinash Kaushik

This might seem like a no-brainer, because of course, you’re going to create content for your potential customers, right? Everyone knows content is king. But in an overcrowded marketplace (like the Internet) filled with tons of mostly mediocre material, just putting content out there isn’t enough.

In today’s market, “high-quality content is king,” according to the digital marketing firm Relevance. They define high-quality content as well-written, well-designed, insightful, and helpful to the reader.

That last bit is the most important element. Being genuinely helpful creates bonds of trust between your readers and your brand. Trust builds loyalty.

Know Your Audience

“When you know your audience, your audience knows.”

Harvey Diamond

Think about your product and the content you create. Who does it help? That’s your target audience.

Build your content or your product to solve a problem or create a benefit for your target audience. Just throwing content up without considering your target audience is like trying to please everyone. It can’t be done.

Your goal is to build a community around your brand. That means focusing on your ideal customer and their needs. Focused marketing builds trust.

Create a Memorable Brand

“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”

Maya Angelou

How are you and your brand perceived?

People want to follow creators who give them something they need. But they are also drawn to brands and creators they identify with and look up to.

Your brand identity is the personality of your business and the promise you make to customers.

How do you want customers to perceive you?

Be that. Do it authentically, and include an element of it in everything your company does and everything you create.

Build the Right Online Presence

“If you want people to listen, you have to have a platform to speak from.”

William Pollard

Are you where your customers are? That’s where you begin and where you focus your efforts.

Just as you can’t be everything for everyone, you can’t be everywhere effectively either. Instead, focus on a couple of online communities or platforms where your audience is and where you can build a solid presence.

But you must have a website to act as your home base. Don’t skip that step. No matter how successful you are on Twitter, YouTube, or Medium, you don’t own those. If you only use someone else’s platform and the platform goes away tomorrow, you vanish.

Be You — Authenticity Matters

“I think at the end of the day, it comes down to authenticity and creating what you love.”

Megan Nicole

Be honest. Be yourself. Don’t try to be something you’re not. Don’t try to sell something you don’t believe in. Customers can spot a fake.

So how do you make sure you’re not faking it?

Create for your customers, not for their cash. You’re telling them you’re offering something of value. So, make sure your creations have value.

Authentic brands stand for more than just making money. They strive not to let people down.

Keep Your Social Content On-Brand

“Consistency in your branding is key to developing trust with your customers.”

Vari Longmuir

Social media is “media” heavy. High-quality pictures and videos draw more attention than the most eloquent text. But don’t just post a bunch of funny cat videos to get attention (unless you’re in the cat or funny video business).

You want people to recognize your content and identify it with your brand.

Maintain brand consistency by presenting your message with the same voice, color palette, and visual style across all channels. Think of the most recognizable global brands: Apple, Coca-Cola, McDonald’s, Google, Ikea. When you see their stuff, you immediately know who’s speaking to you.

Learn the Tricks of the Platforms You’re Using

“You have to learn the rules of the game. And then you have to play better than anyone else.”

Albert Einstein

When it comes to social media, one size doesn’t fit all.

There are variations between platforms regarding optimal image size and character count. And not all social media audiences are the same. Understanding who uses each platform and how they use it can help you ensure your message is reaching your intended audience.

Make sure each post fits the platform where it’s going.

It’s the same on Medium. You need to read the publication’s subject and formatting guidelines before submitting your article. Ditto or any other platform. Understanding their rules is the difference between being published and being passed over.

Get to Know Others Who Do What You Do

“Competition makes us faster; collaboration makes us better.”


One of the fastest ways to build your fanbase is to collaborate with others in your niche. It may seem counterintuitive, rather like sleeping with the enemy. But trust me here. Their fans are your target market. Working with them gives you direct exposure to their fans and them to yours. It’s a win-win situation.

How do you collaborate? Interview them for an article, blog post, podcast, video, etc. Or ask to be a guest on their podcast or to write a guest blog post for them.

Author and writing coach Emma Dhesi recently held a two-week masterclass that featured dozens of editors, publishers, and writing coaches. Each sat down for a video call to discuss how beginning writers can get their stories written and published.

So why did all these busy professionals agree to give up their time for free? Because Emma’s audience is their target market.

Build an Email List

“Personalisation — it is not about first/last name. It’s about relevant content.”

Dan Jak

The limitations of social media and other platforms can create a barrier between you and your fans. That’s because you can’t fully control your contact with your customers and potential customers on someone else’s platform.

An email list is yours. You own it. You can take it from one platform to another. Unhappy with your current email marketing platform, take your email list to another.

Don’t abuse your email list. You want your followers to read yours. So, unless they’ve signed up for daily courses or morning inspirations, don’t bombard them with daily emails.

Too many emails prompt followers to unsubscribe. Plus, too many unopened emails can prompt email service providers (Google, Microsoft, Yahoo) to send your email directly to the spam folder.

Engage With Your Fans

“Never treat your audience as customers, always as partners.”

James Stewart

Does it make your heart skip a beat when you comment on a post by someone you admire and they “heart” your comment? Or better still, they reply to you?

It feels good when people you look up to treat you like you matter to them. The same is true for your fans. Treat them like real people you care about.

Respond to their comments (the good and the bad). Thank them for their support. Answer their questions.

It’s easy to get excited when you see your number of followers or email subscribers go up. But you can’t stop there. You’re not just building numbers. You’re building lasting relationships.


“You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day-by-day.”

Jeffrey Gitomer

Building your fan base will take time. Be patient. Unless you are lucky enough to have a bit of content you created go viral, building a following doesn’t happen overnight. But it does happen.

Set realistic expectations and keep trying. The only way to fail is to give up. Everything else is just an opportunity to tweak your strategy. Remember, you’re in it for the long haul.

Through the process, and it is a process, remember that relationship building is a two-way street. You only get as good as you give. So make following you worth your prospects’ time.

Stay humble. No matter how good your product, how brilliant your advice, or how funny your prose is, your business isn’t about you. It’s about your customers and their needs. Focus on them first.