You Need an Editor
If you want to be taken seriously, you need the help of professional editing. Besides correcting typos, an editor can take your writing to the next level.
A solid edit can help you produce great content whether you’re writing a blog, whitepaper, article, business report, or email campaign.
Editing Service Available:
- developmental editing
- line editing
- copyediting
- SEO editing, and
- proofreading services.
Line Editing
A line editor actively works to improve your style while maintaining your voice. The line edit is about readability, flow, appropriate language (for your target audience), clarity of message, consistency of style, credibility, and overall presentation. A line editor works with you to ensure your message is clear and appeals to your intended audience.
Copyediting homes in on each sentence of your writing—think spelling, syntax, grammar, and punctuation. The copyeditor doesn’t evaluate the story structure or flow. Instead, the editor focuses on finding and fixing errors at the sentence level. This is the edit to have if you’re confident in your writing style, story development, and structure, and you’re only going to have one edit.
SEO editing
SEO editing, as the name suggests, is focused on ensuring your writing is optimized for search engines (Google). It does no one any good if you write a brilliant article or blog post and no one can find it because the Google algorithms pass it by. You wrote it hoping your target audience would read it. An SEO edit helps ensure your writing meets Google’s current SEO standards. (This is a great choice if you want to bring older material up to modern SEO standards.)
Developmental Editing
Whether you’re writing a self-help book, travel guide, or the next best-selling novel, developmental editing can help with the big-picture story elements. Developmental editing focuses on the overall structure and flow of your work, including organization, logic, clarity, and effectiveness (nonfiction) or plotholes and character development (fiction). We’ll help you find and fix confusing sentence phrasing and dialog that just isn’t working.
Proofreading is the final step in the editing process before publishing your work. Proofreaders check for spelling and punctuation errors along with other common issues like doubled or omitted words, capitalization errors, formatting inconsistencies, grammar problems, and more. This is the final polish of your writing.
Native English
All editing is done by native English speakers (American, Canadian, Australian, and British “Queen’s” English). We can help give your writing a native feel, even if English isn’t your native tongue.